
What should you sell online with Dropshipping

This question is most common amongst all the entrepreneurs “What should you sell online with Dropshipping?”. Because you want to find the most popular products to get an amazing profit. For this you need to conduct a good research and then you can really get to know what is popular and what can you sell online.

Starting your first online store can give you anxiety. You want to sell physical products online and make profit. Hence to get there you need.

Let’s find out what to sell online with Dropshipping?

Process to Follow for Selling Online

The selection process that can be best followed is:

  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Research ideas in Google Trends
  • Find market data to see if the industry sales is growing
  • Find low competition niches within growing industries
  • Collect data such as Amazon Sales, Search Volume, keyword difficulty, etc.
  • Compare my ideas using actual data

Scope out your competitors, suppliers and manufacturers before spending any money. Look at their prices and inventory levels from day to day to see if they are successful. Make sure you have a good mix of low, medium and high price points.

Sell Products Online with Dropshipping

What should you sell online with Dropshipping

What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product using the dropshipping model, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the seller doesn’t have to handle the product directly.

Why Sell Online with Dropshipping?

Selling online with dropshipping is a great way to start for entrepreneurs. Dropshipper have the ability to decide their price markups and can run their businesses from virtually anywhere in the world.

Dropshipping also gives ecommerce entrepreneurs the freedom to stay on top of current trends because they can easily change the merchandise sold in their stores whenever they want.

Now, let’s explore some of the best practices for coming up with winning dropshipping product ideas.

What to Sell Online: How to Find Products to Dropship?

1. Brainstorm Dropshipping Product Ideas

Using Google trends you can find new possibilities and rationalize product investments so you can plan your dropshipping business successfully. Start by tapping into the wealth of information and inspiration you already have floating around in your own brain.

Write everything down that comes to mind. It doesn’t matter if you think the product will be a bestseller or not. Don’t skip this step, as it provides an important foundation for the next ones.

2. Find products to sell online through browsing other shops

Study what your competitors are selling. Browse their stores and se featured products, offers and promoted products. This can help you understand what people like the most.

Many stores have a tremendous amount of data and employ entire departments to organize their sales and select their products. Use that information to your benefit. Browse a lot, and browse frequently. It’ll help you come up with the best products to dropship.

Once you find which product to have on your store, add them to your product list.

3. Find the best dropshipping products on social shopping sites

There are millions of products of Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook too. Most of the people often skip these sites while searching for products. By browsing these sites you can have a huge number of products from around the world. Plus, they can easily be sorted by popularity, trends, categories, and more.

Social shopping sites are valuable for drawing insights about which kinds of products are making waves on the internet from one day to the next. Set up an account on each one of these websites. Subscribe to different categories and lists. Follow what people like the most and add those things to your list.

When you’re constantly surrounding yourself with inspiration, you’ll quickly come up with product ideas that have profit-generating potential.

4. Ask your friends and family

Getting help from friends and family is a great way to know what actually a customer wants from an online store.  Ask their opinion about what products to sell. Don’t limit yourself to your own demographics either. Talk with friends of all ages and backgrounds to get a wide variety of dropshipping ideas and a wider range of perspectives about what stuff to sell online. This can make your ecommerce store much better.

5. Look around you for additional ideas about what to sell online

Look around your house, your workspace, and the places in your community that you frequently visit. Are there any products you can’t live without? Which products would make your life easier? Is there anything that’s hard to find in the supermarket or at local shops?

The answers to these questions could hold the key when your aim is to sell products online that will actually turn a profit. Lots of dropshipping product ideas can definitely come to mind while traveling, but it’s just as possible to spot them locally in everyday life. Start using your daily life as its own databank for product ideas. Stay alert and spot opportunities.

Once you adopt this mindset, you’ll start to see hundreds of products with major profit potential each day. When you’re being active with your ideation, you’ll quickly come up with a list of the best dropshipping products for your store. Hence be observant.

Deciding on Top-Selling Products

What should you sell online with Dropshipping

Now, we’ll see how to narrow down your dropshipping product ideas list by filtering them under the following considerations. This way, you can be sure your list only has the very best dropshipping products.

Anyone can import thousands of popular products into their stores in just a few minutes. But the tricky part is how to figure out what items to sell online based on what will also fit with your marketing campaigns, display well on your homepage, and generally make sense within the context of your brand.

These kind of top selling products draw traffic towards your website.

1. Think niche to find dropshipping product ideas

With the rise of dropshipping, niche shops have become the trend. There’s no use in fighting with the big stores for potential customers’ attention. Avoid categories that are too broad or general. The masses are already exposed to thousands of offers daily.

Instead, look to supply niche products that are underserved by the larger players. Find your niche. If you can come up with niche dropshipping product ideas or even one-product store ideas, you’re already more likely to turn a profit when you sell products online.

2. The ‘Stay Away’ categories when finding products to sell online

Even if some of the products in this category may overlap with niche products, it’s essential to narrow down your product selection by excluding items listed in the ‘stay away’ categories. Some product categories have grown significantly over the last decade, and there are already too many strong players and smaller shops out there supplying these items.

Just look at the ecommerce growth rates: furniture and appliances certainly aren’t making the cut. Meanwhile, consumers have spent more than 569 million on fashion-related items, which means they already have their choice of trusted store. You’ll also need to be more specific by finding a niche.

3. Identify online products that customers will buy repeatedly

Think of online products that people will repeatedly buy from you over time and build brand loyalty with them. Cosmetics, clothing, and party supplies are examples of products that people will need many times during the year.

Target them with remarketing campaigns after their first purchase. Personalized email will also create a relationship that will bring them back to you. The lifetime value of these customers can be higher than all your one time customers if you plan your retouch campaign to suit them.

4. Make use of price sweet spot

There are a few rules to remember: the lower the price, the better the conversion rate. The higher the price, the more support you’ll need to provide. Within the $40 to $60 price range, the profits are high enough that you can still cover your marketing and shipping costs of up to $20 per sale.

With Chinese dropshipping, you can sell stuff everywhere in the world. Although you still have to keep in mind that while $30 may not be much to people living in the US, it could be a lot for someone in South America or Eastern/Central Europe.

Therefore, it’s always worthwhile to research different markets when deciding where to sell your products.

5. Leverage ePacket through your dropshipping products

ePacket is a great service that allows for fast shipping from China to over 30 countries across the world. Just be sure to follow all the rules around weight and size. A product’s weight can’t be more than 3 kgs. Package size must be at least 14 cm x 11 cm, and no more than 90 cm between the length, width, and height. And the value of the product being shipped can’t be more than $400.

6. Choose a dropshipping product that lasts

Dropshipping products you sell online can be shipped to any part of the world unless you set some parameters. This means that delivery could be a long process, including a lot of unloading and reloading.

If you choose products that are fragile, they may get broken in transit. This is something you don’t have control over. And, it can lead to unhappy customers and many returns, which can hurt your store’s credibility.

Choose a product that’s robust and can survive long transit times to save your time on returns and dissatisfied customers.

7. Know your marketing channels to sell more with dropshipping

Now when you have learned what products to sell online, now it’s time to think about your marketing strategies. Only having good dropshipping products is not enough. You must have a plan how you’ll sell these products.

If you have the right marketing plan, you can sell stuff online more easily. Marketing is the way to stand out from your competitors. Different marketing channels are going to be more popular for different products. Once you pick the product, you have to figure out which marketing channel will be best for it.

8. Keyword tool and Google trends

Keyword tools and Google Trends are a must if you’re going to use Google Ads as a marketing channel or if you’re just generally trying to boost organic traffic to your site.

These help you to see which products are currently trending. You can also check the demand for your dropshipping product ideas with these tools.

Where to Sell Things Online

Once you’ve decided on your list of dropshipping products, it’s time to choose where to sell these things online. Will you sell on your website? Or will you sell on social media?

Setting up a website

What should you sell online with Dropshipping

To have a website you’ll have to choose an e-commerce platform like Shopify, WordPress or Wix. Once you’ve signed up, you can choose your website template and start to plan the pages and content that needs to be on your website. Then, you need to import your products to your store. Make sure to add appealing product descriptions that your customers will love.

Before you push your website live, you’ll need to test your checkout process to make sure that everything runs smoothly and the steps are in the right order. And in the home stretch, you’ll choose a new domain for your online store.

Selling on Facebook

What should you sell online with Dropshipping

If your audience is active on Facebook, why not make it easy for your products to be found? You can do this by adding a Facebook Shop Tab to your Facebook Business page.

Here are seven quick steps to make this happen.

Step 1: Connect your Shopify store to your Facebook page

Step 2: Choose which products and collections to show on Facebook

Step 3: Add the “Shop” tab to your Facebook business page

Step 4: Configure your Facebook Shop tab within Shopify

Step 5: Add products to your Facebook Shop

Step 6: Tag products in Facebook posts

Step 7: Manage your products and orders

Selling on Instagram

What should you sell online with Dropshipping

Before you decide if you want to sell your products on Instagram, check if your country is eligible for this feature. If it is, then you can start setting up your Instagram Shopping feature.

Here are the steps to take with a Shopify store.

Step 1: Connect your Instagram account with your Facebook business page

Step 2: Set up an Instagram business account

Step 3: Install Instagram sales channel in Shopify

Step 4: Upload an image with your products in it

Step 5: Tag your products

Step 6: Select a product from your product list

Step 7: Sell your products in Instagram Stories

Wrap up

When starting up an ecommerce you need to be clear about products selection and which product can give you profit. Use all the tips and techniques mentioned above.  Take the time to dig into research so you can find best dropshipping product ideas for your ecommerce store.

Remember – you’re always learning as you go. You’ll need to test your ideas and don’t be disappointed if you need to try other ideas before you find success.