
types of website

When you’re starting a new website, you might find yourself wondering what the different options are and what type of website is right for you.

Basically, the kind of site that you choose depends on what your goals are and what you want to gain from your web presence. you have a lot of different categories of types of websites trying to accomplish different things. 

As you consider how best to build your own website, carefully consider what type of website you want it to be. When you can narrow down the goals and setup you have in mind, you can more easily identify the other websites in your category to look to for inspiration.

What is a website?

A website is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server. Examples are wikipedia.org, google.com, and amazon.com. All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web.

Popular ways of building websites

Now you have an idea of the different types of websites available, let’s take a quick look at how they’re built. When it comes to building a website, there are two different routes:

1. CMS

The first option is to build a website using a Content Management System (CMS), such as WordPress. You can do this yourself by downloading WordPress or another CMS system, buying a template, and building your site using code. You’ll need to pay for a domain name, and to host your website too.

There are advantages to building a site this way, but you’ll need some technical know-how to get you there. If you choose to enlist a web designer to build your site, this is the route they’ll probably choose.

2. Website Builder

Website builders are online platforms that let users create their own website based on a selection of templates. You don’t need to know how to code to use a website builder, they’re generally really easy to use and you’ll pay a monthly fee to keep them going. They’re perfect for business websites, ecommerce websites, blogs and portfolios. More complex websites think portals and media sites will most likely need to be built with a CMS system.

What are the different types of websites?

There are many different types of websites; and while any attempt to categorise them is bound to be imperfect, there are some broad types based on their purpose and the type of organisation they are created for. Here’s a list of some of the most popular types of websites on the web today are:

1. Business Websites

A business website is a website designed to represent the identity of a business on the Internet. There are many reasons why a business might want to be visible on the Internet, including public perception of its size, sophistication, modernity, connectedness, customer service and reliability and typically to encourage enquiries from potential customers or partners.

Business websites enable you to sell a certain service or product. They often include sections for displaying and describing what you are selling and have built in features that let you make money directly from your site.

Service business websites typically include a booking system which enables customers to easily reserve an appointment to receive your service. Some services may be SaaS (or software as a service) in which case these websites allow you to display your software and help users purchase it.

Product based business websites, on the other hand, often display the product directly and enable streamlined purchasing. These are often similar to ecommerce websites which we’ll discuss below.

2. Blogs

Blogs are a type of website that enables you to write long-form content about virtually anything. They consist mainly of articles and images, typically surrounding a specific topic. Some of the most popular types of blogs include travel blogs and food blogs.

You must have noticed that in recent years blogs have taken the internet by storm. This has occurred for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is one of the simplest websites to create and you can easily learn how to start a blog. Also, blogs enable you to write about your niche and express your expertise to the world. They are also a good way to keep friends and family up-to-date with what’s going on in your life.

Lastly but most importantly, blog monetization has become a popular means to make money. Many bloggers turn their website into a source of income and utilize tools that can help them make money blogging. Thousands of blog templates are available online, you can get started on your own blog in no time.

3. Ecommerce Websites

An ecommerce website is another type of business website. These kinds of websites are one which are designed and set up to allow customers to make purchases of all businesses’ products or services directly online including making payment through an online gateway. This can be done at any time of day or night without requiring a phone call or some other form of direct contact with the business.

You’ve probably used a number of ecommerce websites before. Any website that includes a shopping cart and a way for you to provide credit card information to make a purchase falls into this category. A robust e-commerce web page makes it easy to browse products, filter by categories, highlight special sales and make purchases.

4. Portfolios

Portfolio websites are ones serving as a showcase of the work of artists, writers, craftspeople, designers and others working in creative fields. Many people utilize personal websites to display who they are and what they have accomplished. In many ways it is similar to a portfolio with fewer visual elements making it the perfect format for author websites and actor websites, among others. 

They will include a gallery of samples of the individual’s work, if the work is of a visual nature. If the work is of a literary nature or otherwise in written form, portfolio websites will include extracts from or samples of the individual’s written work, and information about any books and other publications that the writer has produced. This type of website is simpler to build than a business website and more focused on a particular task: collecting work samples.

One of the most popular types of personal websites is a resume website. Resumes, used globally as a way to summarize who you are and what you’ve achieved professionally, have moved increasingly into the online sphere. A resume website has become a popular medium for people to display their accomplishments neatly and in one place. You can start your own personal website with the help of personal and CV website templates.

5. Event Websites

As more of the world has moved into an online world, event websites have become extremely popular. These sites allow you to display detailed information about your event, include comprehensive schedules, transportation suggestions, maps and more. They also might contain scheduling and ticketing softwares which enable people to reserve a spot at your event. This is especially useful for concerts, shows or conferences, and can also be used for virtual events.

One of the most popular types of event websites is a wedding website. When considering how to create a wedding website, you might think to include details about the couple, information about the wedding itself, a place to RSVP and links to registries.

6. Online Forums

Forums enable people to discuss topics, ask questions and interact with one another. More and more websites are beginning to include an online forum to enable their site’s members to talk to each other and encourage conversation on their site. This often serves as a type of informal support that allows site users to help one another.

You can also create a forum as a standalone website. This would enable people from around the web to connect to one another through your site. Often forum websites will focus on a certain niche to help bring like-minded individuals together. To get started with your own forum, you can check out professionally made forum templates.

7. Personal Websites

Not all websites exist to make money in some way or another. Many people find value in creating personal websites to put their own thoughts out into the world. This category includes personal blogs, vlogs, and photo diaries people share with the world.

Sometimes these websites can evolve into something that makes money if they become popular enough and the person who started them wants to make that shift, but they primarily exist as a way to share your feelings, insights, and art with any friends and strangers that might be interested.

Moreover, building a personal website is easier than most of the other websites on the list since the goal has lower stakes. You just want to make it look like you want, rather than worrying about driving sales or making ad money. Some simple templates or an easy-to-use website builder should be all it takes to get something up that satisfies your desire to share.

8. Membership Websites

This is a method used by many website owners to require membership in order to receive full access to their services, tools or resources. This type of website typically enables site owners to make money off of their offerings to members or simply to have more control over their site’s audience.

Membership websites are used in a number of contexts. Perhaps you have an online magazine or publication that requires membership to join. Alternatively, you might have a club or private group that you would like to have a website for, however you only want to give access to members. These scenarios, and many others, make a membership website a surefire way to manage your audience and potentially make money off of your site.

9. Nonprofit Websites

A non-profit website is one that represents a not-for-profit organisation such as a medical research charity, an overseas aid charity, or a heritage charity. 

While many other types of websites are technically not for profit, including educational websites representing public and some private schools, the term non-profit websites tends to be used about charitable organisations other than schools and colleges. These will generally be quite simple, outlining what the nonprofit is about and showing visitors how they can get involved, donate, or support in some other way. 

Also, a nonprofit website is the easiest way for many potential donors to make donations and will be the first place many people look to learn more about a nonprofit and determine if they want to support it. You can use it to promote the projects your organization tackles, encourage followers to take action, and for accepting donations.

Note: To take donations through the website, you’ll have to take some of the same steps that the owners of eCommerce sites do. In particular, make sure you get an SSL certificate to make sure all payments are secure, and set up a merchant account so that you can accept credit card payments.

10. Informational Websites

Informational websites are a type of website that encompasses many different things. Generally speaking, they are used as platforms whose main purpose is to convey information and act as a resource. Informational websites are not intended as a source of income, rather are meant to simply be informative.

Some types of informational websites include encyclopedias, news websites, wikis and more. Often these types of websites have many aspects that are similar to blogs in that they include more long form content. Another unifying feature of informational websites is that they tend to make use of search functions so that site visitors can find what they are looking for.

You can start your informational website on a blank slate and simply add the necessary web pages. Alternatively, you can use templates such as a news website template if you are looking to create a news site.

11. Educational Websites

The websites of educational institutions and those offering online courses fall into the category of educational websites. These websites have the primary goal of either providing educational materials to visitors, or providing information on an educational institution to them.

Some educational websites will have advertisements like entertainment and media websites do. Some offer subscription models or educational products for purchase. And some serve as the online presence for an existing institution.

Moreover, educational websites should be designed to represent their education providers as professionally and as welcomingly as possible, so that they attract students and reassure both students and parents about the quality of education and pastoral care provided.

They do not necessarily include educational sources on the website itself, but are likely to give details of each educational department within the establishment, photographs of the campus (if applicable), term dates, fees, addresses by the principal or head, contact details, and news.

Wrap up

There are many options when it comes to the types of websites to build. Considering the many types of websites available to you, it might be difficult to decide on which one is just right. In order to choose, start by thinking about what the end goal of this website is, and consider what resources are available to you. 

For example, if your objective is to make money online, you may consider selling products. However if you don’t have products to sell, you can try to start a blog.

Whether you need a website for your business dream or a blog, we can help you build an amazing website. If you’d like to receive free quotes today contact us!