
Email marketing

While email marketing may not get the attention some newer marketing channels get, it’s still a terrific way for you to generate leads and convert more prospects for your business. 

Email marketing is evolving day by day. Hence here are some best tips for increasing your sales and making your email marketing campaign perfect.

1. Connect with your audience

Create an email marketing campaign that connects your audience with you. As random emails are just useless. Divide your email list into targeted audiences. Email list segmentation has many benefits including increased open rates, greater email relevance, and lower opt-out or unsubscribe rates.

You can segment the readers based on age, gender, and location. This will help ensure that you’re sending the right message to the right people.

2. Customize your blasts

Best practice for email marketing is to customize your email. After segmenting your email recipients, get to know them better. Find answers to some of these questions: What appeals to them? What are they looking for when browsing for products and services? How do they define good customer service? What made them visit a website and subscribe? By familiarizing yourself with your readers, it’ll be easier to customize your emails, follow-ups, and reminders.

For instance, your recipients would love to receive informative yet concise messages with appealing images. The best way to do this is via infographics, which they can also easily share with their circle.

3. Grab your audience’s attention

It’s important to grab your audience’s attention. To do so, craft creative emails. You can use witty headlines, visually-appealing images, and straightforward emails. Also, you can create urgency, tapping on today’s culture of “FOMO” (fear of missing out). Try using “You’re missing out on amazing rewards”, or “[URGENT] You’ve got ONE DAY to read this”. These lines can help you get your audience’s attention.

4. State a clear call-to-action button

Your emails have a clear purpose and to achieve that add a call-to-action (CTA) button. CTA should be repeated at least three times throughout the email in various places and formats.

To encourage a purchase, you can use these CTAs like the ones given below

  • Shop now
  • Save today
  • Yes! I want one
  • Claim your coupon
  • Get 20% off now

To promote content, here are sample CTAs

  • Curious? Read on
  • Read the full story
  • Download now

5. Limit your emails

People sign up for your newsletter because they are interested in your products or services. And they want to get connected to you maybe to know about your new collection/Service or maybe some deals.

But this doesn’t mean you start sending lots of email and people start to get annoyed with it. Hence limit your emails to once a week. If you don’t do so have kept on sending regular messages they will lead people to unsubscribe to your emails.

6. Craft catchy subject lines

Email marketing is the most effective way to bring sales but you need to use it in a correct way. While sending emails keep in mind to use catchy subject lines. Because this is what people see at first. Readers can easily ignore or delete your email with a boring headline.

Moreover, according to a study conducted stated that short and descriptive subject lines could entice readers. You can include words that suggest urgency, ask a question or challenge a common notion. Also, use your segmented email list to craft direct and catchy headlines customized to your readers.

7. Mobile friendly emails

In this era there are an increasing number of mobile users. Hence it’s really an important point for email marketing to make your emails mobile friendly. Make sure that your email promotions are mobile-optimized. To create a mobile-friendly digital asset, consider the length of texts and visuals. Some image files may not display on smartphones, and others may slow downloading time. If you don’t want to lose sales then do good work on making your emails mobile optimized. Because more people are browsing the web, scrolling through social media pages and checking their emails via their Mobile phone.

8. Be professional

Writing an email with grammatical or typo errors will definitely leave a bad impression on people. Always prepare your messages well. Email promotion is no different from any other marketing campaign. Take the time to plan out and draft an outline. Write a copy and proofread it several times. Use a voice that is consistent with your brand.

Also, do recheck what you have written just to see if there is any grammatical or typo error. Even read it twice to see if it makes sense, if the content is appealing or not. 

9. Build an inclusive community

People no longer surf the internet to just get quick information online. They meet others, join groups, and essentially create a world that is as real as their offline sphere. Go the extra mile with your email marketing campaign by letting your readers in an inclusive community. You can share personal updates about your life that don’t necessarily relate to your usual promotions. Perhaps a sneak peek into your work routine or a photo of your puppy or cat? Make your audience feel at home.

Another tip is to keep the conversation going by sending email notifications to users every time someone replies to their comments or whenever a new topic of interest is opened. You can also send updates on community stats such as a list of top users, top comments and most popular topics. These can encourage your users to play a more active role in the community.

10. Give rewards

Rewards make people happy. Giveaway rewards keep subscribers excited for your next blasts and increases the chances of them even sharing your promotions with their network. Airline companies are a great example of this as they’re winning the email marketing game through amazing rewards and promos. 

Their email subscribers get the latest updates on promos and the chance of winning all-expenses-paid trips. Giving away rewards and gifts is a smart way of acknowledging your loyal subscribers.

11. Stay consistent

Another essential point for email marketing is to be consistent. You may not hit your target email subscribers right away, but that shouldn’t put off your email marketing campaign. Run your campaigns according to schedule. If you promised a special promo to your current list, make sure you deliver on time.

You may get 50 new subscribers this week and only 10 the next, but that should be no reason for you to hold off. Stick with your schedule and the effort will pay off.

12. Run a regular assessment of your campaigns

Run a regular assessment of your email marketing campaigns to know what is working for you and what not by looking at analytics. You can choose the appropriate metrics, based on your goals. You may measure the clickthrough rate or the rate of readers who clicked on links in an email promotion or the conversion rate or the percentage of readers who completed the desired action such as purchasing a product. Additionally, you can use analytic tools like EmailAnalytics, Sortd, or Todoist. 

EmailAnalytics provides pertinent data such as the number of emails received in all your Gmail folders, the number of emails you send every day, who you email and how the conversations proceed. 

Sortd primarily helps organize email inboxes. It allows you to create categories and set priorities for each. The email workflow you can make in Sortd gives info on how you are performing at each stage of the email campaign. 

With Todoist, you may convert your inbox into a to-do list in relation to your campaign. It allows you to identify, organize and complete tasks, and run reports on your daily performance.

Wrapping it up

Remember that your email recipients are people, so connect with them in the most natural way possible. There are a lot of new tools at a marketer’s disposal that are getting attention these days. But email marketing is an old, reliable, and faithful tool that can really ensure you get the most out of your marketing initiatives.

So what are you waiting for? Start your email marketing campaign today.