
Top 8 SEO trends for your ecommerce store

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most effective ways for attracting potential customers to your website. SEO is constantly evolving, and staying on top of the latest updates can be a challenge. Top-ranking SEO performance requires attention to

products to sell
Strategies for finding your first profitable products

Finding profitable products for your niche is the hardest challenge faced by entrepreneurs. Coming up with ideas that are unique yet trendy is a bit tricky. As there is plenty of competition in the most popular product categories. Therefore, choose

Mobile marketing tips you need to know

Mobile devices have become more efficient, more intuitive, and more common than anyone could have predicted. As smartphone use has risen, marketers have had to adapt their strategy to keep up. Those who don’t adapt will be left behind. That’s

How to increase pageviews on your site

Every business owner wants to increase pageviews on their website as it  is a key part of content marketing. It boosts your SEO, helps you engage with your audience, and gets more eyes on high-converting pages. Let’s have a look

How to create a push notification to boost traffic

To engage your audience, you’ll have to be able to capture their attention in meaningful ways and push notifications can do this for you. Fortunately, push notifications offer an effective solution. Push notifications are a way for publishers and other

What is a splash page and how to create one?

Nowadays there are many elements and features that can be added while designing websites. When creating your own website, website builders allow you to implement an abundance of web design features intuitively, helping you to think outside the box and

How to adapt SEO strategies for the zero-click search landscape

Google’s SERPs have increasingly become a one-stop-shop for users’ needs. This has led to a rise in “zero-click search”, where results pages provide enough information to save users from clicking onto any organic results at all. Zero-click search is not

SEO mistakes that can impact your search rankings

So many content marketers and bloggers are struggling to get organic traffic or even sustain their search engine rankings. Search engine optimization can help you boost your brand while increasing your site’s traffic. Quality content that is relevant to your

Ecommerce omnichannel completely explained

Omnichannel is a buzzword that you might have heard and read many times. In your sales meetings, on marketing blogs. But when the word is everywhere, it can get confusing what people actually mean by it. To make it clear,