
Since the Internet went online, email has been hugely popular with everyone. At first, it was just a tool to keep in contact with people in one’s office, but soon, it became the tool of choice for marketers online. Knowing how to develop an email contact list and how to market to people online can establish your business and make your sales grow exponentially. Doing it right has many rewards, but doing it wrong can also cost you.

Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs are sitting on hundreds and thousands of email subscribers with no idea what to do with them or how to make money from their list. Every month, they’re missing out on massive passive income.

But if you learn how to build a real relationship with your email list and start implementing passive income streams, you can start making serious money in just a couple months from now. You just need to learn the three phases of successfully utilizing your email list: The nurture sequence, the value ladder, and the high-ticket sell.

Phase 1 – The nurture sequence

In this phase you simply send some automated emails to new subscribers when they subscribe first. This is the most important part of your entire relationship with them. Or you can say it’s your first impression. Hence if you do this right, massive passive income will follow.

This is a critical time period for your relationship with your new subscribers. They want to know who you are, what you stand for, and if they have anything in common with you. Research suggests the first week is one of the most critical time periods to make sales from your email list  –  these are people that have just said yes to learning about you and are open to learning more. 

Many entrepreneurs don’t know how to build a real connection with their audience. Most of the time, the email lists you subscribe to are owned by entrepreneurs who opt to send dry newsletters, humble-brag business updates, and the occasional sales letter, none of which really help me in any meaningful way. We don’t buy their products or even want to hear more about them.

Rarely, you come across someone with an excellent nurture sequence, and you immediately feel a genuine connection with them. You feel interested in buying into their message and products. These are the kind of entrepreneurs that make massive passive income each month.

Most entrepreneurs don’t focus on building a true connection with their audience instead they’re either jumping right into sales or just throw you into their regular weekly emails. You could be one of the select few entrepreneurs who do it right and get massive money in return.

A great nurture sequence has four key ingredients: a compelling story, an authentic main character, a personal epiphany, and an urgent call-to-action. No matter what industry you’re in, you need to learn how to craft great stories to truly connect with your readers.

The point is to build a real connection with your audience as soon as possible through the tried-and-true strategy of your journey. Most people are afraid to openly reveal their flaws, rejections, and mistakes. But these are things that get people to connect with you the most. Everyone has flaws, but that’s why we love them. Craft a great nurture sequence that shows who you really are  –  and what you have learned along the way. This primes your new subscribers to want more from you.

Phase 2 – The value ladder

Well, if you want to make more money, you definitely have to sell something. But if you want to make massive money, then you need to use the value ladder.

A value ladder describes the different products/services you sell in your business. The higher a customer goes up your ladder, the higher the cost and value of your products/services. A lot of entrepreneurs and creators try to sell all kinds of random products and services with no apparent connection at all.

If your products are not connecting with each other or making any sense together, they won’t sell. But once you aligned them with each other, everything started to click. You can start your own massive income. If you want consistent sales and massive passive income from your email list, your products and services must be aligned and ascend in price and value.

The first step of the ladder is your smallest, cheapest product. I’ve seen journals, video training, consulting calls, blog templates, even whole books as the first step of a value ladder. The second step of your value ladder is a more in-depth, focused version of your first product, and so on . Each step should be a bigger, better version of the last. It can’t be more of the same, though; people don’t want to keep spending money on the same things, they want new products for new problems. 

Each step of your value ladder actually presents all kinds of new “problems” for your customers that you can solve. The more problems you solve, the more money you’ll make. Solve the problems your products create. Make sure your products solve the right problems and that they all align together in a cohesive value ladder.

With each step, you want to increase your price and value by about five to ten times. If your first product is $20, then your second product should be between $100 and $200. If you do this right, you’re going to start earning massive passive income from automating a natural sales sequence that makes sense to your readers.

Based on how strong your value ladder is your business will live or die.

Phase 3 – The high ticket sell

Once you have created your value ladder, it’s time to focus on high ticket items. Once you have a solid value ladder with truly high-ticket items ($2,000 to $25,000 range), you’ll find that most of your income will start coming from high-ticket items. One of these high-ticket sales is better than 50 or even 100 low-ticket sales and takes far less mental energy to fulfill.

It’s hard to sell high ticket items on emails. Most readers will need longer, in-depth training and sales pitches to actually buy something at this high price. That’s why we will recommend using webinars, video training, or even in-person speaking events to sell something this big.

But you need a great nurture sequence and the first steps of a value ladder to even reach this point. You must start building trust from the beginning, align everything from day one. If you want to scale and start earning massive passive income, you need to start selling high-ticket items.

You don’t need to worry if you don’t have a high selling ticket yet – you can make a lot of money from the first few steps of a good value ladder. But once you create a high-ticket item, you can unlock your earning potential and make enormous money very quickly.


Now it’s the time to let your email list bring benefit to your business. Start automating your business through your email list. You should be shooting for at least one dollar/month for each email on your list.

First, build a great nurture sequence. Tell your story, reveal your flaws. Let your readers know you’re a real person, and that you understand where they’re coming from. As mentioned above, your relation with them should be strong from day one.

Then, tie in a natural, logical first product to finish your story: your appearance, your lessons, your knowledge, your tools. Then, put that first product into a cohesive value ladder that keeps giving your readers bigger and better solutions in naturally ascending steps. And here you can get high ticket-items to earn massive income for you.