
Data-backed insights on featured snippet optimization

Google has always been pretty vague about the details about getting a featured snippet. This was the case when they were First introduced in addition to SEO efforts, making a business considered a cherry is still largely true.  Reveal highlights

Shopify SEO
Important SEO tips for Shopify ecommerce platform

Shopify is a popular ecommerce platform known for its ease-of-use and plug-and-play capabilities. Unfortunately, like most popular ecommerce platforms, Shopify is not explicitly designed for SEO, so there are some drawbacks and headaches involved with optimizing a Shopify store for

content development
Steps to successful content development

You might have many skills, but each type of writing requires different approaches and strategies. Content development is not as simple as sitting down and putting words on a page. Rather, it’s a series of steps that allow you to

How to ask a customers why they canceled the order

Win back the customers who have decided to cancel their plan. Use survey tools to reach out to win them back before they’re gone. There are many ways to approach this, but a simple thing you can do in the

ecommerce automation
Complete guide to ecommerce automation

Your ecommerce website operates 24/7 with no breaks in between. It must be up and running and able to accept orders at all times. Since it’s not practical for a business to have staff managing the ecommerce store around the

Shopify Plus
Shopify Plus’ Design Restrictions, Debunked

Shopify Plus is the ecommerce platform for growing online stores and brands. It is a hosted platform customized, staffed, and priced for big brands that are good for enterprise applications. Whereas Shopify Plus is a smaller and less complicated store.

Some popular types of branding

Branding isn’t one-size-fits-all; the most effective strategies are highly personalized to the companies, groups and creators using them. That’s because it’s all about personality. A brand is basically a company’s personality; branding is the steps a company takes to express

mobile commerce
The rise of Mobile commerce(m-commerce)

From all the shopping channels available to customers, mobile commerce is taking the lead. It forecasted that mobile commerce will have the biggest retail sales growth (12.2%) in 2021, beating traditional ecommerce and in-store shopping. Whereas, mobile commerce can be

Upgrading to Shopify plus
Upgrading to Shopify Plus – Complete guide

Shopify is an amazing ecommerce platform that provides aspiring entrepreneurs with every tool they need to launch a successful online store. But as your business grows, you might start experiencing limitations and find that your current Shopify plan doesn’t feel